Curriculum Vitae
Here you can check my CV, I’ll try to keep it up to date.

Academic appointments
- 2024- Científico Titular, CSIC
- 2021-2024 Ramón y Cajal Fellow, University of Granada, Spain
- 2019-2024 Assistant Professor (助教) at FRIS, Tohoku University, Japan
- 2016-2018 JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow, Tohoku University, Japan
- 2013-2015 Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands
- 2008-2012 PhD Fellow, University of Salamanca, Spain
Professional Service
- 2022- Associate editor of JGR-Solid Earth
- 2020- Associate editor of Island Arc
- 2020- Associate editor of Geologica Acta
- 2020-2022 Advisory council of EarthArXiv
- 2017-2019 Editorial board of Lithosphere
Professional Development
- 2020 “University Teaching” By University of Hong Kong. Certificate: January, 2020.
- 2019 “Gender and Sexuality: Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace” By University of Pittsburgh. Certificate: July, 2019.
- 2019 “Inclusive Teaching: Supporting All Students in the College Classroom” INCLTEACH1x, by Columbia University. Certificate:
- 2019 “eARPIN: Research Ethics Education” By Association for the Promotion of Research Integrity, Japan. Certificate: August 19, 2019.
- 2015 “Linux Command Line Basics” By Udacity. Finished in January, 2015.
- 2013 “Introduction to Astronomy” By Duke University on Coursera. Certificate: February 12, 2013.
- 2011 “Sistemas audiovisuales de utilización en docencia e investigación universitaria: Ejemplos y aplicaciones prácticas” (Audiovisual systems in higher education) By University of Salamanca. Certificate: June, 2011
- 2011 “Índices de citas, factor de impacto e indicios de calidad” (Citation indexes, impact factor and quality indicators)” By University of Salamanca. Certificate: May, 2011
Student Supervision
B.Sc. Theses
- 2021 Pol Vilanova-Catalá
- 2018 Tan Furukawa
- 2018 Shōta Matsunaga
- 2015 Mark Diederen
- 2014 Bart Ursem
- 2014 Oscar Groenhof
M.Sc. Theses
- 2022 Samuel Rudbar
- 2019 Bruno Mendes
- 2016 Oscar Groenhof
- 2015 Daniël Brouwer
- 2014 Thomas Groenewegen
Ph.D. Theses
- 2021-2024 Rafael Guerrero Roel
- 2019-2021 Ariuntsegtseg Ganbat
Grants (TOTAL ~ € 5,840,000) 💰
- 2024 MSCA-DN “Understanding the formation, movement, and host-rock interaction of upper crustal aqueous fluids on Earth, from rock grain to tectonic plate scales (ForMovFluid)” [Patrick Meere, coordinator; Co-PIs: Barbara Kleine-Marshall, Johannes Wiest, Paul Gordon, and Daniel Pastor-Galán] [k€ 4093.4016] [PI of k€ 1242.036]
- 2022 [PI] Beca Leonardo, BBVA “Campo geomagnético, tectónica y orígenes de la vida: ¿qué ocurrió hace entre 575 y 530 millones de años?” [k€ 37]
- 2022 [PI] Proyectos Generación Conocimiento, AgeInves PID2021-128801NA-I00 “Tectonic erosion through KInematics from TEstimonials of SUbduction in Northeast Eurasia (KITSUNE). [90.75 k€]
- 2021 [PI] Ramón y Cajal Fellowship RYC2019-028244-I [k€ 300]
- 2021 Kakenhi Grant-in-Aid, JSPS JP21379588: 含水マントルウェッジ流体の化学組成と化学的性質:高圧実験併用型の地質試料解析 [Co-PI with Tatsuki Tsujimori, G¥ 14.4, ~110 k€]
- 2020 [PI] Joint Research Grant, CNEAS, Tohoku University 東北日本とロシア極東の地質の連続性:東北地方の中古生界地質からの視点 [K¥ 500, ~k€ 4]
- 2019 [PI] Joint Research Grant, CNEAS, Tohoku University Tsunami Earthquakes facing their cause: tectonic erosion and subduction dynamics [K¥ 400, ~3.5 k€]
- 2017 [PI] Ensemble Grant Tohoku University 400 M.yr. of tectonic erosion in Japan. [k€ 6]
- 2017 Irish Centre for Research in Applied Geosciences (R17390: A provenance study to characterise the contribution of axial drainage systems to the deposition of Mesozoic sandstone reservoirs in the North Celtic Sea and St. Georges Channel Basins, offshore south east Ireland.) [Co-Pi with Patrick Meere, k€ 155]
- 2016 National Museum of Nature and Science, Tokyo. Franciscan “knocker” revisited: Reevaluation of regional distribution of high-grade tectonic blocks in California. [PI Tatsuki Tsujimori k€ 8]
- 2016 JSPS “Tokubetsu Kenkyuin Shorei-hi” (Grant-in-aid) Tectonic reconstruction of the Interface between Panthalassa and Paleotethys oceans [PI, 21k€]
- 2016 JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship for Overseas Researchers (Standard) [PI, k€ 100]
- 2014 Spanish national science research project “ODRE III” (Oroclines Delamination Relationships and Effects) [PI Gabriel Gutiérrez-Alonso, k€ 100]
- 2013 Irish Petroleum Infrastructure Programme (R15389: Tracing Sediment Pathways From Onshore Southern Ireland To The Southern Porcupine Basin) Co-PI with Patrick Meere [k€ 460]
- 2013 ISES postdoctoral fellowship, Fort Hoofddijk, University of Utrecht, Co-PI with Cor Langereis [k€ 200]
- 2011 Universidad de Salamanca visiting stay fellowship in St. Francis Xavier University (Antigonish, Canada). 7 weeks. [k€ 0.8]
- 2010 Spanish Ministry of Education visiting stay fellowship in Frankfurt (Germany). 13 weeks. [k€ 4.85]
- 2009 Spanish national science research project “ODRE II” (Oroclines Delamination Relationships and Effects)- PI Gabriel Gutiérrez-Alonso [k€ 103]
- 2008 Junta de Castilla León and European social fund PhD fellowship. 4 year. [k€ 62.4]
- 2007 Spanish Ministry of Education and Science Departamental collaboration fellowship [k€ 2,5]
Awards 🏆
- 2020 Highlighted paper in journal “Solid Earth”
- 2019 EGU Tectonics and Structural Geology Division Outstanding Early Career Scientist 🏅
- 2019 El Mundo Innovadores Award, Best Research project from Segovia
- 2018 Outstanding reviewer, Journal of Structural Geology
- 2018 Best Photo at JpGU 2018 (Makuhari, Japan)
- 2016 3rd poster prize at NAC2016 (Nederlands Aardwetenschappelijk Congres)
- 2014 1st prize photo competition at NAC12 (Nederlands Aardwetenschappelijk Congres)
- 2013 PhD in Geology Award from Salamanca University (Awarded to the best Geology PhD thesis of the year)
- 2009 MSc in Geology Award from Salamanca University (Awarded to the best Geology Master Thesis of the year)
- 2008 Geology Degree Award from Spanish Ministry of Education Social Politics and Sports. (Awarded to the top five of students graduating in Geology nationally)
2022-2023 GeoSports
The idea for blogs of the Geology of the Tour de France was born out of combining two passions: geology and cycling. Geoscientists tend to love the outdoors, and are a talkative bunch who can’t stop explaining about their rocks, fossils, landscapes, and natural processes, and the field expeditions they undertook. At some point I realized that viewers of live coverages of cycling races like the Tour de France watch hours and hours of geological excursions. Surely, we couldn’t let the opportunity pass to geo-monologue! And these races are covered by commentators that explain just about everything that passes the camera. All we had to do is help the commentators to explain a few things about the landscape and underlying hidden treasures. As it turns out, there are quite a few geoscientists who love cycling and watching the race, and quite a few cyclists with a keen interest in the environment. GeoTdF was born. This web page is dedicated to the Geology of the Tour de France. But on the Twitter account @geotdf, we can’t help ourselves and tweet about the geology of just about every race where we find something to tell you. So if you want your regular geo-fun fact, follow us, and drop your questions should you have any! We hope you enjoy, and we’ll see you on the road!
2017-2018 JSPS Science Dialogue
The program offers JSPS Overseas Fellows the unique opportunities to volunteer to give lectures in English on their research work at Japanese high schools in the vicinity of their host institutes. The aim of the lectures is to stimulate the young students’ interest in research and deepen their understanding from a global point of view through interacting with Fellows. As for the Fellows, the participation in the program will be an enjoyable opportunity to communicate with the local community and strengthen their ties with Japan. By the way, I was the announcement photograph in the 2018 call.
2016 Somos científicos, ¡sácanos de aquí!
Spanish version of the previous
2015 I’m a Geoscientist, Get me out of here!
A free online event where school students get to meet and interact with geoscientists. It’s a free game-show-style competition between geoscientists, where the students are the judges.Students challenge the geoscientists over fast-paced online test-based liveCHATs. They ASK the geoscientists all the questions they want, and VOTE for their favourite scientist to win €500 to communicate their work with the public.
Daniel Pastor-Galán on TV 📺
- 2019-02-20 - Interview for Castilla y León TV {Video Download}
Daniel Pastor-Galán on radio 📻 🎙
- 2023-04-09 - Interview at Serendipias podcast - Cadena Ser In Spanish {Audio Download}
- 2022-04-06 - interview in Noosfera podcast - La Razón in Spanish {Audio Download}
- 2021-03-17 - interview in Cadena Cien about water in the mantle In Spanish {Audio Download}
- 2021-03-07 - Participation in ‘A Ciencia Cierta’ podcast In Spanish Mp3 Download
- 2021-03-02 - Interview for RNE (National Spanish Radio) In Spanish Mp3 Download
- 2020-09-08 - Radio Interview with Antonio Armas investigadores por el mundo {Audio Download}
- 2019-01-01 - Interview for SER radio (Spanish) {Audio Download}
- 2018-05-10 - Interview at the COPE radio (Spanish) {Audio Download}
Daniel Pastor-Galán on the papers 📰
- 2023-11-03 - Editorial comment on Justin Tonti-Filippinni’s paper
- 2024-04-22 - Press note on Leonardo Grantees Meeting
- 2023-11-03 - Editorial comment on Facu Sapienza’s paper
- 2023-06-28 - Press note on - Canal UGR In Spanish PDF download
- 2022-11-01 - Leonardo network
- 2022-10-05 - Leonardo grant on Ideal - Granada newspaper
- 2022-09-30 - Press note Leonardo grants from BBVAPDF download
- 2021-12-13 - Interview for Adelantado de Segovia (local newspaper from my hometown) In Spanish PDF download
- 2021-01-27 - Nikkei article about Ganbat’s paper on Tanzanian Paleoproterozoic In Japanese.
- 2020-01-22 - Sendai, Living on the edge! Blog post at EGU Tectonics and Structural geology blog.
- 2019-05-08 - Interview for Alumni - former students of the University of Salamanca {PDF print}
- 2019-03-05 - El Mundo Innovadores award announcement
- 2019-01-11 - El Adelantado de Segovia (Spanish) {Photo} {PDF Download}
- 2018-06-26 - El diario de Valladolid (Spanish) {PDF Download}
- 2018-05-28 - El Adelantado de Segovia (Spanish) {PDF Mirror}
- 2018-05-11 - Interview for El Día de Segovia (Spanish) PDF Download
- 2018-05-09 - Interview for El Confidencial (Spanish) PDF Download
- 2016-12-01 - Interview for Earth Magazine PDF Download
- 2016-06-08 - Article in Geo.brief PDF Download
- 2016-05-19 - Guest post in Traveling Geologist
- 2015-03-02 - Web interview in #conCienciados
- 2014-12-19 - Web interview in Rock Head Sciences